The Bite Size Podcast with Lorayne Michaels

The Art of Conquering Self-Doubt for Business Success

Lorayne Season 2 Episode 13

When the shackles of self-doubt finally fall away, what's left? For Keziah of Worth Women, it's a tale of transformation that will light a fire in the hearts of female entrepreneurs everywhere. Join me, Lorayne Michaels, as I traverse Keziah's extraordinary journey from uncertainty to empowerment on the Bite Size podcast. Together, we unpack the layers of fear, celebrate the strength found in community, and revel in the personal victories that come from mentorship and support. Kezia's narrative is a testament to the power of realizing one's worth and the magic that unfolds when women stand tall in their entrepreneurial pursuits.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone aiming to make their mark on Etsy or amplify their passive income streams. We don't just talk shop; we reveal the essence of skill leverage and crack the code on Etsy's search engine optimization, providing you with the toolkit to flourish. I spill the beans on my own life-altering leap from medicine to the entrepreneurial fray, highlighting the growth that springs from embracing change. With the vibrant entrepreneurial energy of Austin, Texas as our backdrop, we bring you a conversation brimming with heartfelt advice, actionable strategies, and living proof that the most fulfilling achievements are often hidden just beyond the horizon of fear.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Bite Size podcast. I'm your host, lorraine Michaels, former EMT and nursing assistant, now business owner and wild entrepreneur. I walked away from over 15 years in medicine to pursue my passion and my God-given talents. Now I get the honor of helping other women discover their passions and purpose. If you're feeling stuck in life, unsure where to go or what to do, welcome. If you're exactly where you want to be great, you're welcome here too. If you have faced any kind of hardship or setback, you have found a safe place here. In other words, no matter who you are or what you've been through or what you're going through, this is the space for you.

Speaker 1:

On the Bite Size podcast, we'll discuss life, business and faith. There's something for everyone, so grab a cup of coffee and something to take notes with, because there will definitely be things you won't want to forget. Welcome back to the Bite Size podcast. I'm your host, lorraine Michaels. Today, I have with me Ms Kezia from Worth Women and I met her a couple of years ago at a conference and we've just remained friends and finally our schedules have aligned and I have her on the Bite Size podcast today. Welcome, kezia.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. I'm so glad you're here too, girl. It's been a minute. I girl, let's just dive in. So when I first met you, you were with Katie and y'all were with Worth Women. We were at this conference and y'all were talking to me about what Worth is about and how it's inspiring and encouraging women to step into their confidence and their calling, and I just love all about it. Can you tell us a little bit more about it and what you do and how you help women?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so. Worth has been a passion on my heart for years now, and taking you back just a little bit, I'm actually going to take you way, way back, because I feel like all of this is relevant to the story. But so, growing up, I just I told myself that I didn't have what it took to be a business owner, to grow a business, be an entrepreneur. My mom was a small business owner and I just was like you know, like that looks fun, but I just I know I don't have what it takes to do it. Well, fast forward. I graduated college, got into the corporate world and I had a background in studio art. So I was making all things graphic design artists and my friends were like, hey, I need baby shower imitations, I need, you know, like little engagement party imitations. So I would make them things. And they were like you should really like turn this into a business. And I was like no, no, no. Like that little girl came back and was like you can't, like who do you think you are? I want to be a business owner. You can't do that. And like I'm gonna keep it. I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet, but fast forward, probably like six months a year.

Speaker 2:

I just kind of I agree the courage to just start, because I was in a place in my role at work and I was like you know, I could use a little extra money, so why not just try this business thing out? I'm gonna grow the corporate ladder anyway, so this is just something that'll fizzle out. Well, I started back designs and it did not fizzle out. It actually grew to the place of me quitting my corporate job in the middle of the pandemic in 2020. And I took the scary leaf of faith into full-time entrepreneurship in March of 2020 and have not looked back since, and so that stationary and branding business grew even more.

Speaker 2:

And then I just I found myself wanting to pour into other women that didn't believe it was possible for themselves as well, and I was like, if I feel like this and I see other women feeling like this, then I want to do whatever I can to help them, you know, understand what they're capable of, recognize their worth, and to share my failures and successes with them in hopes of helping them grow their businesses too.

Speaker 2:

And so then worth was founded in March, and it's crazy how they're always in March. I feel like March is like my little sweet spot, but in March of 2021, worth I started worth, and now it is a beautiful community of women who are her growing businesses and who want to do uncomfortable things. Just don't know how, don't have the tools, and so that is what I feel like my life mission is now is to help women do hard things and, you know, grow their confidence and just make a life-changing money that they only dreamed of being able to make in their homes and for their families, and so that is a very, very condensed version of my story and just what worth is and how it is impacting women from all over the country.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, I love it and everyone needs it, especially women, I mean. I don't know. I feel like this we're in an era of where women are stepping into that and we need that. Those groups, those outlets, those essentially the other worth groups you know what I'm saying Like the other groups where we're encouraging one another and helping one another and educating other women on how to do it, and it can be done. We just need more of those, cause I know I mean, on the West coast there's powerhouse women, you know.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sure you can join these things everywhere, but when you are in the region of where it is at, I feel like it's easier to get plugged in and stay plugged in. Because it feels more realistic, I guess, so kind of like going off of that. Did you have that? Did you before you created worth? What did you have? Who was in your corner encouraging you? What was your, I guess I don't wanna say motivation, cause motivation like wears off, but what was it that spurred you on?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think honestly that's another reason why I was so passionate to start with and am still so passionate about work, because it's something that I didn't have.

Speaker 2:

And it's crazy. I know we talked about how, like so many things happened and changed after the pandemic, but truly before the pandemic and you know, going full-time with Bex designs like there wasn't really a community. There wasn't any. Especially in my area, there was like smaller groups and stuff. But I feel like what we're craving nowadays is that genuine connection and genuine environment where you can just show up as yourself and you don't have to wear a suit or a suit like matching set and all these professional things to feel like you belong in the business world.

Speaker 2:

And that was, you know, another big area of worth that I wanted, because I didn't have that and I was like okay, how can I, how can my experiences and my story equip women and give them what I didn't have?

Speaker 2:

Because it's a very I mean, as you know, like entrepreneurship is a very lonely road and there is nothing that helps you feel more confident and more motivated to just do the hard things is to have a community of women around you that are just like girl, like like first off, give you the hard and ugly truth when you need it, but also there to support you whenever you need like a little push or encouragement or just a friend to lean on in those times, and so that's been a big part of worth, too is just one show up. Show up, as you are, no matter where you're at in your business, just show up, just be willing to, just to start, and then know that you're gonna have, you're gonna have women in your corner like me that are just gonna push you, challenge you, support you, encourage you all the different things, and so that's what that's what I love about the community that's been created.

Speaker 1:

I know that's, I love that. I love that and it's so funny I didn't know that about you, that you didn't have it, and that's why you? Started it and why you're so passionate about it. That is the same reason why I do what I do because I didn't have that person in my corner telling me you could be whatever you want. You can do whatever you want, you know.

Speaker 1:

Or as a child growing up but even as an adult, when I started playing with this idea of entrepreneurship and business ownership, I didn't have that in my corner and it was, you know, those encouragers from afar. You know, listening to John Maxwell and stumbling upon these conferences, that I had no idea what I was getting into. But when I went there, something felt right about it, you know, like it felt home, it felt right and.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but like I get those burning passions inside of me, like when I am around those people of like yeah, yeah, I'm made for more, yeah, I have this desire. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Like, yeah, it, it fuels that fire and I know everyone has that inside of them and it's just a matter of getting around the right people to encourage you and getting around the right people to call you up and bring that out of you, bring the gold out of you. You know, yeah, I feel like there's not a lot of it, but when you look for it, you find it but I just I love.

Speaker 1:

I love being a part of that group of people that bring it out of people. It's just, it's so needed right now. It's so needed. Um, so we talked a little bit about this Etsy thing that you, that you have had major success with, and I'm curious about it because, well one, I don't know anything about it, other than I've bought some things off of it.

Speaker 1:

But I have heard that it's difficult and you have said otherwise, that it's pretty easy and you have had success with it. What so? I have heard that it's been difficult to get products out there. Talk to me a little bit about that, because, hey, it's Lorraine. As you know, it's my joy and passion to teach and encourage others through this podcast, but my heart is actually at live events. Currently, I'm available for booking, so if you're organizing a live event, I'd love to share my story. Your audience will walk away with tangible tools on how to overcome limiting beliefs, breakdown obstacles and discover their gifts, talents and abilities in order to live a life that God created them to live. It's not the size of the audience that's important. It's the connection and impact that I will bring.

Speaker 2:

For more information, email me at Lorraine at the bold beginnings Com had a couple extra printed and I was like, let me just get this essay thing a shot again. Like, let me just see like they're extra just sitting here. I might as well just like try it. So I was what's the worst that can happen? Well, january of 2022, I made $89 on Etsy and I was like, okay, like maybe this, there's like a little something that can happen here.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

February, february, I made $0. March, I made $0 and I was like, okay, like the, the discouraging was coming back in and I was like, okay, what is happening? And so I just started to do. I was like, okay, I can either let this thing beat me down or I'm gonna figure out how I'm gonna figure out how to do it.

Speaker 1:

And so I.

Speaker 2:

I took a deep dive into, like, what Etsy was looking for for shops, like how do you get ranked top on there in their search? And what people don't understand is that Etsy alone is its own search engine. So they've heard of SEO. Etsy has its own search engine optimization, that's what SEO stands for, and so they use all kinds of things like titles, keywords, all the different things that help make your shop successful and get you in front of eyes of potential buyers. And so I I ended up figuring it out, and so March, february, march zero dollars. April I I believe it was fifteen hundred dollars. I went from zero dollars to fifteen hundred dollars, I think the next month was around the same, and then the month after that it literally went from like fifteen hundred to five thousand, and in the month after that it just grew and grew and grew until I was making I'm not even lying fifteen thousand dollars a month on Etsy.

Speaker 2:

Wow and so now I have started a second shop that is just passive, just passive income on Etsy. And the thing is that I just want to help people understand is that one Etsy there are a ton of shop and shop owners on Etsy but it's filled with a lot of shops that of People like me of being discouraged and just giving up on it, and so they're kind of just sitting there taking up space and there's a lot of things that do offer, like workshops and stuff where I walk you through like everything that I've done to Become successful on Etsy, and so there's a lot of like deep down, we could go into it. But I just want to help them understand that like, first off, it's not over saturated. Second off, you already have a skill, experience or knowledge that you can sell on Etsy and you don't have to go out and learn any skill or learn Something else just to sell on Etsy, like you've already got it with a new.

Speaker 2:

And that's exactly what I did. I took I was doing wedding stationery and I just took a simple like like the cards that Like you write to your husband and wife on your wedding day.

Speaker 2:

Like, instead of writing, on a piece of paper, like you actually get like a really pretty card on my high quality paper with a pretty ribbon and a matching envelope Very simple concept, literally anybody can do it, anybody can make these cards. And I just found a hole and I, I, I practice what I preach with the Etsy method and it grew to and now I've made over $200,000 on Etsy Just by taking, just by sticking to it, being consistent and not giving up on it, and so I, I hope I can help you know as many women as possible understand this, and then they can make Incredible money, either Either on a digital product or on a tangible product that they ship.

Speaker 2:

A digital product like a course or yeah, so it could be courses that you sell. It could be printable downloads. So let's just say, like baby, like your friend needs a baby shower invitation for her shower coming up, Like you go on Etsy, you find the template that you like and it's a printable download. You edit everything to your specific baby shower, like date, time, name, everything into the online. Like template maker, you download your PDF, take it to Staples and print it for a very affordable price, and so it's affordable, it's quick, it's easy, user friendly and that's what you would be selling as a woman Like. And you just create all of your designs, you add it like your listing pictures, all of your details, and then they do all the work and you literally just get. Every time someone orders it. You have to do absolutely nothing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, see, I didn't know that. I thought you had to have, like, the product on hand and you had to send it to them and all of that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's so many ways to make passive income where you I mean, yes, there is a lot of work upfront, you know getting all of your listing pictures. But once you have everything down and you're wording down and you know your process and system with how it's gonna look and how it's gonna feel for your customer, it's just a copy paste and you add in your new design. Copy paste, add in your new design, and then the work's up front and then you just get to get orders in and it's all passive and then easy peasy.

Speaker 1:

Nice. So what about when someone purchases? Is there a threshold that you're supposed to achieve first, reach before they pay you out? Because I know, like my journals, for instance, I have on Amazon I didn't know this until after the fact I have to sell a certain amount first, I have to make a certain amount of money before they ever send me my check.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, no, that's no. Etsy will like they'll pay you for if you make one sale. I mean, obviously Etsy has fees and whatnot, but after, like, if you were to send a tangible journal, like ship it to your customer, like as soon as you ship your order and add in your tracking number and all that and Etsy takes out its fees. Normally I think it's like one business day, like you can send it to one business day one week to get your deposits and they go straight into your bank account the next day. So no, you could sell one.

Speaker 2:

You could sell one to make your money. Yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

That's good to know, for all the people out there that have your Amazon, your Amazon business. It's not as easy as you think. Oh yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to see your wheels turning. You're like wait, get this off Amazon.

Speaker 1:

I know, seriously, I'm like these. I'm still waiting to get paid on these. Oh girl, let's talk about.

Speaker 2:

Etsy after I wanna help you. So those are beautiful, by the way, so yeah my goodness.

Speaker 1:

So what has been? I mean, I know all of this and helping women is like your passion, but where do you get lit up? Is it get into these conferences? I know you had you all opened a mastermind last year. What is it at? Is it leading, hosting retreats, going to these conferences, starting new businesses? What is it that fires you up?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, laurie, what fires me up is when I get. I get a DM or a voxer from a current client that I'm working with that tells me I'm gonna win.

Speaker 2:

That's what fires me up, because there is nothing more than I love to see is women winning. And I have a one-on-one client that I'm working with right now that we've been working together since last spring and it's just like she just happened to have an Etsy shop too and just to just give you an example, last March she had made $172 on Etsy and she was discouraged, all the things. And our call, I think two weeks ago, like middle of March, she had already made $1,500 just on Etsy and not anything else in her business. And so when she voxed me that and was like I just have to share this with you, like that is what just fills up my cup is just hearing other women reach the goals, that one they never imagined possible for themselves. Because I just remember being that girl of this isn't possible for me. I could never make that much money, I could never have a business.

Speaker 2:

And then being able to experience the success once you get over those the mind grim ones that I like to call them, and the fear and the non-belief in yourself. And so when I get to see other women experience that of like this is possible, like my life is changing and I can now take my family to Disney and pay for it in cash. Like that's that, just oh, I could just freaking run around a room like talking about it, because that's what makes that's just what fills up my cup is seeing other women get to that place and just change their life and change their own life, like it's. I mean, like work, the work that I do. I'm just pulling out of you what you already have in you, like I'm not doing anything special, like you're the special person that just has to like, get it to click and then watching that click happen and it's just like it, just ugh, I love it. I get chills that can happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. I love that I had the same thing when I first started coaching and I was working with it was actually a friend of mine that I knew back from California and it was the same thing, like I was just working with her with confidence and it was she's had a hard season, a very long hard season. Right, and just like hearing her the way, just the transformation in the way that she spoke about herself and the way that she worded things, you know it went through like just this down on herself and down on what was happening and just everything was always negative. And then how that transformed.

Speaker 1:

And then seeing the small wins and celebrating the small wins with her man, that just it, like you said, it, lit me up and I was just like yes, exactly Like I love seeing that transformation in other women and they need it so much because we just fall into this rat race of get up, go to work.

Speaker 1:

I have to provide I'm going to a job. I hate working a job. I hate because I have to. You know, because if I don't, who will? But it's like in the back of their mind they're questioning, like is this as good as it's going to get? And you know they're losing track and they're letting go of the passion and the desire and that thing that God put in them. They're letting it go to do the thing that they think they have to do. But really that thing in them was placed in them for a reason and it's like people like you and I to pull that out of them and to encourage them and to help them like think of ways, creative ways of how can we make this work so that this is a profitable thing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

A couple of the things that you touched on that I kind of want to go back to was like this imposter syndrome and fear, and I think it's super important because everybody has it, whether you are not pursuing, whether you're not pursuing a business or entrepreneurship, or you're in it. I think it's something that we all struggle with, this fear and this imposter syndrome, and it doesn't ever go away. It doesn't matter how successful you are you know, I hear Jamie Kern-Lehman talking about it and Ed Milette talking about it Like all these really successful people, they still battle with it and it's just a matter of how do you deal with it. And how you deal with it is so important. I'm curious how do you deal with it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, first off, I had a great question because, like you said, we all deal with it. It doesn't matter what level of success that you reach, you still experience the fear. I experienced the fear but I think getting to this place I have, you know, you just, and I know it sounds so cliche, but you just have to get comfortable, getting uncomfortable and knowing that okay, like if I am dreaming super big and this thing scares me, like the first thoughts that are going to come up are you're dreaming too big, you can't accomplish that. Who do you think you are? But it almost becomes. You almost start to expect it because as you go down this journey of continuing to do hard things and just knowing that you're going to put yourself in these situations because the most amazing things allow on the other side of fear, you almost get. It's like you understand the process a little more and I think that's what I've begun to experience is just like okay, like I just moved to Austin, texas, didn't know a soul here and I was like, okay, this is going to be terrifying, I'm leaving my I call it my hometown now. Like I got divorced last year. That was already like one challenge in itself like, okay, we're going to start this healing journey. It's going to be really hard, but something amazing is going to allow on the other side of that. So just choose, choose your heart and know that it's going to be amazing. Okay, cool, we're going through that. Now we're going to move to Austin, texas. Okay, if you already know it's going to be uncomfortable, but it's, something amazing is going to be in that city that God has already prepared for you. Okay, cool, let's just get to the uncomfortableness.

Speaker 2:

So now that I'm sitting here with you today in March, talking about all the things that are that I've been terrified to do, I get. I now look back and I'm like this is the best decision I've ever made. Like I am, I'm still single as a Pringle, that's okay. But I am the happiest. I know I saw the grandma when I say that. But I'm okay.

Speaker 2:

But I am the happiest version of myself I've ever been. I'm the most confident version of myself I've ever been, and I could not be this person right now if I had not just had the courage to leave the relationship that was no longer for me, if I had had the courage to just step outside of my comfort zone and move my entire life to a completely different state, like just understand that the fear is going to be there, but you're strong enough to get yourself through that. And so, I think, understanding your strengths, whether you see it yet or not, knowing that it's going to be uncomfortable, and then knowing that the most incredible things on the art on the other side of fear and I can tell you 100 times over, I've experienced it again and again and I'll do it again and again and again.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I love that. I love that so much because it is so true. It is so true and it's hard. It's hard to kind of teach that to someone you know, like you could tell them till they're blue in the face, until you're blue in the face, just getting through it. But it is the gods on. This truth is like once you realize that you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and once you realize that when you get through the hard it will be worth it.

Speaker 1:

And also like being a person of faith. You know that God is not gonna walk you through anything, any kind of pain, without there being a purpose. There's always gonna be a purpose for it and if you have that mindset of, okay, this is hard, but I know God's gonna make something good of this.

Speaker 1:

And if you hang on to that, I mean, that's what got me through, I mean some of the crappiest times of my life, you know, like a second marriage ending that was abusive and you know my ex has been slept with his ex-wife Like and it was just so devastating and you know me being a stepmom, which I've always wanted to be a mom and have never been able to birth children, you know and having these two little girls, these stepdaughters, and then it being just ripped from me, like and as I'm folding their clothes and I'm getting ready to sell all of their things because this marriage has dissolved, and I'm thinking there's a purpose for this, there's a reason for this, and some little girl is going to get blessed with all of this stuff that I bought, that I did not get to give to these girls.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying, like, instead of me being angry and bitter and asking God why? And being angry with God. You know it was okay. There's a purpose for this. I'm not going to let this win, like I'm not going to let this be my story. I'm gonna get through this and just hanging on to that. So good, yeah, that's powerful when you can do that. It's hard, but it's so powerful when you can do that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1:

I so how do you like Texas?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I love it. It's like, it's amazing and, honestly, like I grew up in Georgia, I, you know whole life, just love Georgia. The Southeast Coast yeah, I was like East Coast whatever. Yeah, and I truly like never. Never thought I was gonna leave and I just randomly picked Austin out of literally everywhere in the United States.

Speaker 2:

I could not tell you why I picked here, been asked a hundred times, couldn't tell you why and never in my life. Somewhat self-living in Texas, in all places, and I, this city is electric, Like there. It's a huge fitness community, like we're both in fitness. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I did not know that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, huge, absolutely huge. Like everyone's always like either running, working out, doing yoga, something, something active. So it's incredible here, yeah, and then like there's just there's a lot of influencers and entrepreneurs and just people that are willing to push themselves and do like, do the bigger things and like dreaming bigger, and so it just feels like it's a good motivation to like all right, like all right. Like my neighbor down the street is out running this morning, like you got to get up and do it, no matter if you don't want to do it or not, and then go to your coffee shop and keep grinding and like and keep working and it's just, it's electric here. I love it so much.

Speaker 1:

I love that there's so many like parallels between our stories, that's so funny Cause that's how. That's literally how I came here to the Carolinas. Like, born and raised in California, I always wanted to leave California but I never knew when or where or how, and that's the same thing ending up out in the Carolinas and everyone's like why here why?

Speaker 1:

Like how did you? And I'm like I have no idea. I just know I wanted to get out of California. I don't know anybody out here and I'm still trying to figure out. Like God, why did you have? Why did you bring me here? Like what is it about here?

Speaker 1:

Cause I know this is going to be huge but well, I keep seeing little glimmers of it, of you know this is why you're here, but, man, it has been. It has been a journey. It definitely has an entrepreneurship. I wouldn't, I wouldn't take it away or trade it for anything, because it's been the biggest growth of my life.

Speaker 1:

I've learned more in being an entrepreneur than I have in school and, like anything that I've ever done like this has totally been the best, hardest thing I've ever put myself through. You know what I mean? Yeah, before we, before we go, before we wrap up, I just want to ask you, give you a chance to kind of like brag on yourself. What, if anything, are you working on anything that you're about to launch a new program or if you're opening up? I don't know if your program's evergreen or if it's, you know, kind of an open-close thing. So tell me, pitch right now. Let's hear what are you doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so I have. So I have two workshops that are in what I call the vault, and so they're. They're two hour-long workshops where I walk you through one, helping you figure out what to sell on Etsy whether it's a digital product or a tangible product and then the second part of that workshop is helping you set up your shop. So I walk you through literally every single detail of what I have done to open up both of my shops and to grow them to, like I said, over $200,000 in revenue.

Speaker 2:

And then I have a another workshop that's coming up next month on social media, so it's called Captivating Content, and I it doesn't matter how many followers you have, it doesn't matter what your engagement is right now I'm going to help you get clear on your message so that, even if you get five views on a reel or five views on a story, if your message is clear and precise and hitting your target audience's problem in a precise way, you're going to make sales.

Speaker 2:

And so I just want to help you navigate, navigate social media, help you do things different, because I feel like we're in a world where social media everyone's trying to copy each other. And well, they're doing that and it's working for them. I'm going to do that, it's going to work for me and just staying true to who you are, being authentic, and so that's coming up next month. So those, those tickets are still open. And then I've got two incredible collaborations happening in May. I haven't only announced them yet, but you can follow me on Instagram at worth underscore women and see who those two collaborations are with.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, and then as always, my one-on-one coaching is my bread and butter. It's like you're interesting and one-on-one coaching with business strategy and mindset work. That is what I focus on. So so many exciting things this year. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited for you, thank you. So if any of this has resonated with you, I would love for you to share it. Tag us. We'll put all the information in the show notes. I will not.

Speaker 1:

we, I'll have it all in the yeah right, I'll put it all in the show notes. Go find Kezia on social media, on Instagram. It's worth under store women, is that correct? Yeah, awesome, and share this podcast, share the message, spread it, because everybody needs encouragement and everybody needs to know that you were divinely created for a divine purpose and there was no mistake in you. I love you guys Absolutely and we will catch you later on the next episode of Bite Size Podcast.